About Adventist Information Ministry

Our Mission

Adventist Information Ministry (AIM) is the epicenter of interest management for the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, focusing on digital evangelism, interest tracking, and connecting media ministry interests to the local church. AIM facilitates, empowers, and supports digital small group bible studies, online communities, and digital evangelism. AIM supervises and supports a Customer Service Management system that links all institutions, department’s social media platforms, and digital ministries with the goal of caring for, and ministering to, people in broadcast and the digital space.


  • Provide an answering service, representative of Christ and the agencies we serve.
  • Produce a professional phone answering and order-processing service.
  • Process caller requests accurately and efficiently.
  • Train students, workers, and volunteers in the principles of Christian witnessing and ministry with media evangelism.
  • Provide student labor to help defray the costs of their Christian education.
  • Form a bridge between the media outreach of the Seventh-day Adventist® church and the local field.

Our Beliefs

As a Seventh-day Adventist® institution, we subscribe to the 28 Fundamental Beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist® Church. These beliefs do not represent a “creed”; rather, they are the biblically-based set of Christian beliefs arrived at by our church after many years of prayer and Bible study.

Our Statement of Beliefs can be found on our global church website, www.adventist.org.

Who We Serve

Our Team

Brent Hardinge


Murray Carson


Anthony White

Assoc. Director of Web Platforms & Operations

Marshall McKenzie

Assoc. Director of Pastoral Care

Lionel Kanyowa

Network Administrator

Angel Easton

Account Executive

Jochy Jamel

Pastor for Digital Media

Joel Edgar

Business / HR Manager

Ha Eun Park

Digital Relationship Manager