Discover Hope Through Prayer

Connecting Hearts, One Request at a Time

In today’s fast-paced world, many people feel isolated, overwhelmed, and in need of spiritual support. Your church has the unique opportunity to become a beacon of hope and comfort in your community. At AIM, we believe that every church can make a profound impact by reaching out to those in need through the power of prayer and meaningful connections.

Discover How You Can Transform Lives

Imagine your church as a hub of support and encouragement, where individuals from all walks of life can find solace and guidance. Through this program, you can extend your reach beyond the church walls, touching the hearts of people in your local community. This program is designed to help you connect with those who are seeking hope and support, offering them the opportunity to send in their prayer requests and receive heartfelt, genuine responses.

Making a Difference

When Jeff* logged on to social media, he was lonely, discouraged, and hopeless. In fact, he opened Facebook on his phone to write a final message of despair, knowing that someone would find it after they found him. But the first thing that caught his eye was a message that said “We care about you. Can you share your prayer request with us?”

That ad gave him HOPE.

And instead of writing a final message for his family who might come behind, Jeff typed out his feeling of despair in Messenger. Within minutes of tapping send, a Ministry Specialist was praying for him as they started a response to his message.

Jeff’s despair turned to hope, as a relationship began that would change his life.

How it works:

1. Digital Ads

We help you develop and manage a social media ad campaign for prayer in your area. These ads are targeted close to your church and establish your church as a center of prayer and care for your community.

2. Immediate Response

When someone responds to an ad, AIM will be there to answer within 5-10 minutes, ensuring the individual is connected quickly to someone to pray with them. We then regularly connect with the individual, pray for them, and qualify their interest.

3. Local Follow-up and Training

AIM works with your church to help train local volunteers how to have meaningful, spiritual conversations. As soon as they are ready, we connect them with people in your community ready to engage and interested in learning more.

Example Ads

Here are a few sample ads that give you a taste of what your community will see. In addition to still ads, we also create short videos of your pastor or church members inviting the community to send their prayer requests.

How it Changes your Church

Launching this in your church has the power to change and revitalize the involvement of your members.

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